PixelOS GD: Update 0.1


  1. Attempting to rename README.wdoc won't rename it.
  2. The dock will switch to the right when selected but won't switch back to the middle.
  3. Buttons to go to the GitHub repository take you to the wrong version.
  4. Code optimizations.
  5. Renaming README.wdoc doesn't add the ".wdoc" in Writer Home.
  6. When force quitting dock, dock and the label on task manager hides, but not the dock's usage label.
  7. The project wouldn't Fullscreen automatically on the lock screen.
  8. Settings don't show up in the task manager's force quit menu.
  9. The dock doesn't move all the way to the left.


  1.  Renamed Writer app to "Writer Home".
  2. Clicking on the documents folder in myPC now takes you to Writer Home.
  3. Opening the error when you click an app that doesn't exist now closes the menu.
  4. The popup that happens when you type-search with CynSearch has a different text.
  5. Clicking "Wide" in settings now automatically changes the wallpaper to City.
  6. Merged the All App Menu with the regular menu.


PixelOS GD V0_0.exe 60 MB
Jul 16, 2022
PixelOS GD V0_1.exe 60 MB
Jul 17, 2022

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